With the deepest sadness I have to inform you that the owner and administrator of this website, Bob Thompson, died towards the end of June 2023, suddenly, but peacefully, in hospital.
I hope to keep this website active but I will need your help - by sending me any updates to the existing articles and also new articles complete with photographs plus the address, telephone number, hours of opening and as much information as you can about how to get to there by public transport.
Linda Thompson (Widow)
Bob Thompson at the Butchers Arms, Herne, Kent, Birthplace of the Micropub revolution.
Regular visitors to BeerVisits will have noticed the brand new look of the website. We hope that you like it. The main reason for the change was that the site was getting too big for the old menu system which was causing problems for new articles. The new website is also responsive which means it adapts to the viewing device's width, such as mobile, tablet or desktop. With grateful thanks to our webmaster, Keith Johnson, for all his hard work and continuing help and assistance. There may be some teething problems with the look of certain existing articles so I hope that you will bear with us whilst we try and rectify these. We are just starting to put on new articles again, there are quite a few in the pipeline.
Welcome to BeerVisits, a website that is little different from most. It extols the best in beer, cider, pubs, breweries and other associated matters. The site is the idea of myself, Bob Thompson. Whilst travelling around the United Kingdom as well as Europe and North America for reasons unconnected with beer, I have found time to visit a large number of bars, pubs and a few breweries.
Whilst doing this I have discovered a large number of fantastic places to enjoy a beer and thought I should share these experiences with a greater audience, hence the reason behind the site. I don’t like ratings sites as they’re very subjective and stray off the main subject, beer. I want to feature only the very best, yet I am aware that these selected pubs and visits are still chosen by myself. I can only do my best to be objective. I do (mostly) like the new wave Micropubs in the UK and often go out of my way to visit a new opening.
Photographs are very important as they provide a tangible view of what a particular pub looks like. If the pub is old I like to provide a history and its context within its surroundings. I also hope it will provide a decent archive for the future by giving a snapshot of a single visit frozen in time. It is also intended as a guide for potential visits. You will find at the bottom of each article important information such as the address, telephone number, hours of opening and how to get to there by public transport.
Our contact details are in the process of being improved, information to follow. Should you like to join us with an article of your own please read the "Contribute to BeerVisits" page. In addition to that, I am keen to expand the “Beer Writings” page, which accommodates general articles. I feel that certain writing, such as those in local CAMRA magazines, need a wider audience and deserve a life that’s longer than three months currency.
Within this section I would like to recommend “50 Years with my Pint Pot” by Alec James. Alec reminisces about his life enjoying beer around his local Medway Towns and further afield. You may not know the area, but if you are of a certain age I’m sure you will find an empathy with his writing, I certainly did. I don’t know most of the characters he met in pubs over the years but after finishing reading it, I felt that I did.
I am also pleased to bring Adrian Palmer’s short, yet comprehensive piece on Pyongyang the capital of North Korea, to a greater audience. It’s even got two photographs of pubs in this elusive country. It’s an article that shouldn’t be lost to history.
Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to award-winning Web-Master Keith Johnson for his ability to make this possible, and for continual assistance along the way. Also, great thanks to Linda, my wife, for being able to transfer my ramblings to positive entries. Lastly, gratitude is offered to CAMRA Swale Branch for allowing me a lot more time for travelling, writing, and to enable me to fulfil this long-held ambition.
BeerVisits makes no representations, guarantees, or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, currency, or suitability of the information provided via this website. If in doubt, please check with the appropriate establishment before travelling.
The views expressed are not necessarily those of the contributor, publisher or webmaster. Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up to date, no responsibility for errors and omissions can be accepted. Should you spot an error please email us.
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Copyright: Articles may be reproduced but only if you ask us first and credit the source. Please email us for permission, see Contacts page for details of how to do this.